Welcome to Circle of Life Celebrations

Welcome to Circle of Life Celebrations

As a OneSpirit Interfaith minister/celebrant living near Horsham, West Sussex, I have an open approach to spirituality that embraces the truth of all faiths or none. Together, we can create ceremonies around what is important to you, whether your ideas are traditional, alternative or a fusion of both.

Whatever the occasion, ceremony offers a focus and gives heart to any celebration.

Join an intimate gathering as you plan your final farewell or that of someone close to you; always with people, planet and pocket in mind:

Plan Your Life Celebration in our Last Wishes Workshop – click here for further information.

Testimonial: “Jo, Roger, Felicity and I all want to thank you from the bottom of our hearts for everything you’ve done for us. You made the day complete with your wisdom and kindness. So many people have been thanking us by email and letter, it’s been quite overwhelming. Mum and Dad would be proud.” – Anna


Winner - the 2013 Good Funeral Awards. Featured in Etc. Magazine, West Sussex County Times. Supporter of The Natural Death Centre.