Tag Archive for: article

Last Wishes article in AAH magazine

‘Preparing for our Last Wishes’ article in AAH Magazine

'Preparing for our Last Wishes' article in AAH Magazine

Following her recent Last Wishes Workshop, an article in AAH Magazine features Jean Francis, who explains how grieving families need not be restricted to expensive coffins, traditional church services and gleaming hearses. Read or download an Acrobat PDF version of the full article here.

Jean will host another Last Wishes Workshop in Horsham, West Sussex, on Saturday 16 November from 10.30am to 4pm. Booking is essential on 01403 451103 or visit the Last Wishes Workshop page for more information here.

GreenSpirit Winter 2016

Jean’s “Down to Earth” feature in GreenSpirit

GreenSpirit Winter 2016 (article featuring Jean Francis)

An article by OneSpirit minister Jean Francis, featured in the Winter edition of GreenSpirit magazine 2016, highlights the benefits of planning one’s funeral well in advance. It includes the moving case study of a man who planned his own funeral to reflect his love of Nature, Goddess spirituality and Native American culture. Read the full article here or click the images (Acrobat PDF format, 4MB).Green Spirit Winter Edition