Last Wishes article in AAH magazine

‘Preparing for our Last Wishes’ article in AAH Magazine

'Preparing for our Last Wishes' article in AAH Magazine

Following her recent Last Wishes Workshop, an article in AAH Magazine features Jean Francis, who explains how grieving families need not be restricted to expensive coffins, traditional church services and gleaming hearses. Read or download an Acrobat PDF version of the full article here.

Jean will host another Last Wishes Workshop in Horsham, West Sussex, on Saturday 16 November from 10.30am to 4pm. Booking is essential on 01403 451103 or visit the Last Wishes Workshop page for more information here.

GreenSpirit Winter 2016

Jean’s “Down to Earth” feature in GreenSpirit

GreenSpirit Winter 2016 (article featuring Jean Francis)

An article by OneSpirit minister Jean Francis, featured in the Winter edition of GreenSpirit magazine 2016, highlights the benefits of planning one’s funeral well in advance. It includes the moving case study of a man who planned his own funeral to reflect his love of Nature, Goddess spirituality and Native American culture. Read the full article here or click the images (Acrobat PDF format, 4MB).Green Spirit Winter Edition

Different Faiths, One Love – ETC Magazine

Horsham’s very own Interfaith Minister, Rev. Jean Francis, shares with Simon Robb her passion for uniting different religions in beautiful matrimony. Etc. Magazine published this article about Interfaith weddings in their February 2014 edition. Pictures by Steve Cobb.

ETC Magazine article, February 2014

ETC Magazine article, February 2014

My Funeral

In a major departure for this leading national journal, the latest Funeral Service Times is featuring Jean’s description of the funeral service she has planned for herself. (Click the image to read a larger version).

My funeral article

Remembering Moomin

By Jean Francis

Featured in the Autumn 2013 edition of  Farewell Magazine.

I wrote this article about the experience of family friends to share how comforting, beautiful and heart-warming a funeral ceremony can be. Then later I conducted my friend’s Memorial Service.

Moomin-01‘I just want the love to continue,’ Mary replied when asked if she had any special requests for her funeral.

Moomin-02Mary was affectionately known to her twelve grandchildren and fifteen great grandchildren as ‘Moomin.’ The day before Mary’s funeral, her grandchildren gathered and using photographs from family albums for inspiration they began to decorate her cardboard coffin. Read more

Jean collecting her award Jean with 'Pat Butcher' of EastEnders

Jean Wins A Major National Award

Jean Wins A Major National Award

Jean’s work on pre-need funeral planning has won her the ‘Most Significant Contribution to the Understanding of Death’ award at the Good Funerals Awards ceremony in Bournemouth and was presented by Pat Butcher of EastEnders.

Jean collecting her award Jean with 'Pat Butcher' of EastEnders.

Jean Francis with the Award.

The Interview: Would you attend a Death Cafe?

JPCT 26-09-12 S12390047X Jean Francis is a newly ordained minister performing unique and specialised ceremonies in Horsham -photo by Steve CobbJean Francis is an ordained minister performing unique and specialised ceremonies in Horsham  – photo by Steve Cobb
Published on 22/03/2013 16:29 – in the West Sussex County Times

By Theo Cronin

As a young girl Jean Francis grew up with an all-consuming fear of death. She remembers weeping at the sight of dead flowers, and not keeping a pet for fear of it dying. But now she has embraced her own demise, is passionate about others facing the inevitable, and is even hosting a ‘Death Cafe’ at a specialist event this Saturday. Read more