How Will I Recognise You?

Five year old Mark said to his mother: “So, as you are older than me will you die before me?” “Probably,” replied his mother. Following a long and thoughtful pause Mark said, “Will you go to heaven?” “I hope to,” replied his mother. After another long pause Mark asked, “How will I recognise you when we meet up again, will your name be on your chair?”

A True Story

Last Wednesday a passenger in a taxi heading for Salford station leaned over to ask the driver a question and gently tapped him on the shoulder to get his attention.

The driver screamed, Read more

Emma The Angel.

Emma Beckford is a Bereavement Administration and Consultant – when someone dies there are many painful tasks to be taken care of, such as ringing friends and relatives, advising banks and credit card companied, insurance providers and even store and loyalty cards, the list is endless…

Emma has set up a company with a vision of being able to help you through those challenging and difficult tasks. Call upon her for help with the never ending admin, it’s what she does, in and around Surrey and Sussex.

Webpage:  Tel:07554293746


One Thousand Paper Cranes For Peace

A very moving story about a young Japanese girl, Sadako Sasaki and one thousand paper cranes, millions of people around the world are coming together in peace. Her story can be found many times over by Googling ‘One Thousand Cranes for peace.’

The Interview: Would you attend a Death Cafe?

JPCT 26-09-12 S12390047X Jean Francis is a newly ordained minister performing unique and specialised ceremonies in Horsham -photo by Steve CobbJean Francis is an ordained minister performing unique and specialised ceremonies in Horsham  – photo by Steve Cobb
Published on 22/03/2013 16:29 – in the West Sussex County Times

By Theo Cronin

As a young girl Jean Francis grew up with an all-consuming fear of death. She remembers weeping at the sight of dead flowers, and not keeping a pet for fear of it dying. But now she has embraced her own demise, is passionate about others facing the inevitable, and is even hosting a ‘Death Cafe’ at a specialist event this Saturday. Read more

It’s my funeral and I will cry if I want to…

In today’s Metro I noticed an article about Zeng Jia, a student who wanted to experience her own burial service and wake, so she spent a fortune on a ceremony with mourners, flowers and a coffin. She even paid make-up artists to make her appear more ‘dead’ and hired a photographer to picture her lying motionless in a casket with a ‘Hello Kitty’ doll on her chest and origami doves hanging above her. Read more

Helpful Poetic Advice for Celebrants

The following was used at the funeral of an elderly gentleman who admitted to being a ‘grumpy old git.’ When he spotted this amongst my resources he laughed loudly and said: ‘I want this read at my funeral’ and so it was! The congregation laughed too, as it reflected his character perfectly.

I don’t want any of that… ‘We’re gathered here today to celebrate his life, not mourn his passing. ‘Oh yes you are. Get one thing straight, you’re not here to celebrate but to mourn until it Read more

An Invitation.

Please come to my wake. No I’m not dead yet I just want to see all my friends and loved ones before I Read more

Missing a Loved One?

If you’re missing someone especially at a family get-together like a birthday or anniversary, set a place Read more

Useful Contacts

Funeral Celebrant:

The Interfaith Seminary:

Choice Ceremonies:

Light on Life:

The British Humanist Association:

The Institute of Civil Funerals:

Funeral Celebrants:

Green Fuse:

The Association of Independent Celebrants:

Coffin Artists 

Joanna Martin Artist:  Should you require an artist to design and paint a coffin to your particular specification contact Joanna Martin.